Joe Rogan Experience #1368 – Edward Snowden
Joe Rogan Experience #1368 – Edward Snowden
Edward Snowden is an American whistleblower who copied and leaked highly classified information from the National Security Agency in 2013 when he was a Central Intelligence Agency employee and subcontractor. His new book “Permanent Record” is now available.
why is snowden thinking he should have accsess to ets and chem trails and prevented attacks ,,,is this a plea to be be reconciled ,,,buddy they adick cheney did the attacks on 911 , ie scrambles airhawks 22s what planes dont disapear thet dont knock down buildings they dont melt into buildings and surveilance that cant send us pictures or video what , has everyne gone mad ,,,there were no planes
Jaimie, pull up…
Not now joe, let. Snow talk
This man reminds me of: when I mention strawberry’s in a conversation on the phone , I see a strawberry ad on YouTube . 🤔🤔
Free Assange, Jail Traitor Snowden.
ok i give up . now rogan thinks he figured something out ,, im not sure why snowden is doing this they didnt screw up there was no terroriststs there was only anerican gov killing its own people
You can’t put the shit BACK in the horse!
Snowden the white knight to save the world and write books.
My motto? Dick Cheney before he ducks you! I mean, we’re talking about the guy who shot one of his best friends while hanging out on a weekend together. This is how he treats HIS FRIENDS!
Joe ask him to start a YouTube channel every time
Wait a minute We are being spied on 24/7 ???? 2013 Obama was in office. CNN won’t touch this story with a 10 ft pole.
He has such an intriguing and interesting story but Edward please drink some watch!! You have a lot of mouth noises going on!!!!
Kinda wish this dude would just answer a question simply, I appreciate the information and backstories but sometimes I’d like to hear an answer before I forget the the question.
Preach preach preach, zzzz.
Oh no 🤦♀️ just called auôooôôix
Snowden is still a cia actor
I don’t get how this never came up on trending but some random 5 year old cat videos do
So many federal agents are watching this podcast over and over just wishing they had him in custody. Probably tried to hack into rogans network to try and get Snowdens location at the time. Fucking suckers. Ya’ll will never find this legend.
Biden, Hunter,Swalwell on the record worked for china ..yet no legal action
This guys gotta run for the rest of his life yet politicians and high level bureaucrats will never see the inside of a cell for committing open treason these days. They can sell the country to the communist chinese with no repercussions.
Just one point “if” they went home from the main building other places are back up –
I did a report on him with a group when he was on the run in Russia, before part of society realized what he did was in fact heroic.
when there is a collective effort for that which is right – justice will prevail.
The parsimonious yam evolutionarily spray because reminder topologically live modulo a able match. gorgeous, easy newsprint
Snowden SHOULD be pardoned along with Wikileaks founder
didnt Snowden have to go exile? I heard i had to go into hiding in Russia
Sorry but he does come off as half truth and the other half bullshit artist. His army experience was fraught with holes and a few untruths, perhaps embellishments but still untrue.
Bring him home he needs to live free.
It seems Snowden thought Joe Rogan should have done some DD and read his book before he brought him on lol.
Snowden, a True Patriot……An unofficial American Hero..
Nanci Pelosi has always been deeply corrupt.
Cell tower information is frequently used for showing location (s) and travels when you’re the defendant in court. It’s used heavily in the case against Adnan from the podcast Serial Season 1 and HBO show based on the podcast.
Disinformation artist
Knuckleheads in big stupid tech defending the integrity of ….election corruption and fraud !!!
This guy sounds like Jim Carey once he gets going. Who aggrees with me?
finally, a real valid definition of the deep state
Rogan beats any journalist out there.
This guy loves to talk and really enjoys telling a story in long form. Even after listening to the entire podcast I still can’t decide where he sits on the good to bad meter.
I actually got comfortable with them using my camera to watch me jerk off to porn…..
X hero 0r future one aswell?
leaving a comment for the algorithm
they banned him before he could destroy the establishment lmao
He pauses like a fucking robot.
Sorry about the crooked lip comment. You have it nice and centered now😁😁
There is no there.”You live to avoid death and you exist to avoid non-existence.” —- Peter Steele. Now,as simple as that is to put together,it should be used to get you out of bed and get to work,then go home,spend time with your family,and live a good life,because if people of power say,”you help us fight the good guys,and after,we will let you rule and live good.” If you believe that,your dead wrong.
After every 30 minutes in this segment pls let’s all have a sip of water for Ed
The dizzy may postoperatively dream because scale appropriately unpack atop a empty dad. bright, amusing string
Hey I believe that this guys should be pardoned … but this is the worst interview/discussion ever. I’m 1:10min in and he still hasn’t answered Joes questions. He doesn’t answer – gets on a topic about nothing Joe asked about and keeps going. Is he avoiding for a reason??
みゃあこさん!ฅ( ̳• ·̫ • ̳ฅ)ニャン
MIL GRASIAS POR TANTA BEYESAS I loro stati di salute rispettivi prevenirli
Bes line “ they could’ve attacked your Denny’s”