Best Microwave Oven for Heating Only and basic cooking | Best solo microwave oven

Best Microwave Oven for Heating Only and basic cooking | Best solo microwave oven

If your main use is for heating and basic cooking only – solo microwave oven is sufficient for you. I’m comparing 8 different solo microwave ovens in this video – Bajaj microwave oven, Whirlpool microwave oven, LG microwave oven, Samsung microwave oven, Amazon Basics microwave oven, Haier microwave oven, Morphy Richards microwave oven, Panasonic microwave oven.

❇️ Whirlpool
❇️ Samsung,

πŸ›’πŸ›’ Other Solo Microwave Ovens Compared
Amazon Basics
Morphy Richards

Microwave vs OTG vs Convection Microwave Oven – Which is better for you? –
Best convection microwave oven buying guide –

00:00 – Click for chapters
00:19 – Solo Microwave models compared
00:43 – Capacity, Output Wattage of solo microwave oven
02:02 – Capabilities of each solo microwave oven
03:10 – Display, warranty, price, reviews of solo microwave oven
04:42 – Recommendations for best solo microwave ovens

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There are a few key things you have to keep in mind while purchasing:
What is the capacity to purchase? Remember – larger the capacity, larger the space is required for the microwave. Capacity to purchase depends on the quantity of food cooked/heated or the family size – normally for a small family of 1-3, 20L or less should be sufficient as the main purpose of this microwave is for heating. For a larger family – you can go for a 20+L. In the models compared – the Samsung solo microwave has the highest capacity of 23L and the rest have less or equal to 20L. Bajaj solo microwave has the lowest capacity of 17L which is ideal for 1-2 people only.
Second thing to consider is the output wattage. Higher the output wattage, quicker is the cooking. In this case as well – Samsung, Morphy Richards and Panasonic lead with 800W, everything else is 700W. You may see some manufacturers listing out input wattages – that is not relevant to the cooking efficiency.
Third thing is what are the capabilities that it can perform.
In general, Heating, cooking and defrosting is available in all the solo microwave ovens compared.
Some solo microwaves also have grill capability, but I have not included those in the comparison today because the price difference between that and a convection oven is less – so you may as well go for a convection oven.
Some models like the Whirlpool and Panasonic have an auto clean capability – which can be useful if you have food spatters
In general – in most microwaves you can make curd or ferment. Whirlpool is the only model that has a setting highlighted for yogurt making and fermentation capability – which is useful if that is important for you.
Fourth is the display. While a manual dial is good enough as the capabilities in a solo microwave oven are limited, some of the models like Whirlpool, LG, Samsung and Panasonic have a digital display – if you want a more modern appliance.
Reviews – like always – my shortlists are always the ones with the best reviews and I will give you my recommendations from these best – so essentially best of the best πŸ™‚
Warranty – most offer a 1 year warranty on the product with an exception of Morphy richards which offers a 2 year warranty. Many models also give an extended warranty on the magnetron – Magnetrons are a core function of a microwave oven and are essential for generation of power within a microwave oven. Without a magnetron, the microwave oven is useless. Bajaj and Samsung offers 1 year additional, Whirlpool 2 years additional and Amazon Basics and Haier offer a 3 year additional warranty on the Magnetron.
Pricing – while most capabilities remain the same, it is surprising the pricing varies so much.


  1. Red Rose on June 30, 2022 at 12:56 am

    I bought LG bcoz it is compact

  2. Soundarya Valli on June 30, 2022 at 12:58 am

    Finally brought a dishwasher after watching all ur videos dear.. thanks for all ur inputs.. ifb neptune 15 plate settings it is.. moved to a new city and having one made me feel having wings to fly and independent of househelp

  3. Sania Khan on June 30, 2022 at 12:59 am

    Plz give otg in low budget

  4. Sania Khan on June 30, 2022 at 1:08 am

    Plz suggest me otg for 6 members family minimum 40 l….. In low budget ……. Plz help me

  5. The Grapevine, India on June 30, 2022 at 1:15 am

    *Need convection microwave instead? Watch this video instead* -> – Saumya

  6. Nasreen banu zakir ali on June 30, 2022 at 1:15 am

    Amazing comparison ! βœ…πŸ’―

  7. Sreelakshmi Prabhakar on June 30, 2022 at 1:18 am

    A nice comparison of solo microwave ovens. I have the Panasonic microwave since two years and I find the steam vegetables feature in the auto cook menu the most used in my cooking. From soft veggies to veggies like ridge gourd, pumpkin etc are steamed perfectly and all in a covered glass container and 60ml of water. The auto clean function is called vapour steam and I use it from time to time. They provide a recipe book but other than that I generally refer to tarla dalal, nita mehta or sanjeev kapoor’s microwave ebooks. Regarding output wattage, I might be wrong but I feel it is relative to capacity of the oven. I am telling this is because when I microwave act 2 microwave popcorn at their mentioned time I have to time to 30 seconds less. Otherwise it gets burned. The auto defrost menu has settings suitable for vegetarians like dairy and frozen vegetables (though I directly cook frozen veggies).

  8. Dr Indhu on June 30, 2022 at 1:18 am

    Samsung vs Whirlpool for solo microwave??

  9. Abushek Akbar on June 30, 2022 at 1:21 am

    I have the exact Samsung solo microwave you recommended, its budget friendly option too but due to black door we can’t see clearly what happens inside though the light is present that’s the only cons

  10. sukant das on June 30, 2022 at 1:22 am

    Mam which microwave brand is best lg or samsung

  11. N on June 30, 2022 at 1:27 am

    When you show the writing in screen can you show that in full screen please…can’t read anything in this half screen mode

  12. fida80 on June 30, 2022 at 1:29 am

    Now Panasonic and Bajaj both have 800 waat solo microwave , don’t know when you made this video but both of then have 800 wats option avilable now so you want to update your video

    Panasonic 20L Solo Microwave Oven (NN-ST26JMFDG, Silver, 51 Auto Menus)
    Bajaj MTBX 2016 20L Grill Microwave Oven, Black

  13. Saif Jafri on June 30, 2022 at 1:35 am

    Any solo microwave oven with more space?

  14. Manjot singh on June 30, 2022 at 1:37 am

    great comparison!!! saw ur other videos too found the fairly good but like I do have a Solo Microwave from Kenwood and know am thinking to buy an OTG. Since we have more more consumption due to large family and get togethers frequently so thinking for large capacity of oven (52-60L). I am actually confused between 3 options morphy richards 52 rcss, morphy richards 60 rcss & borosil – prima 60 liters otg. In morphy richards 52 rcss the max temp. is 230c. In morphy richards 60 rcss it doesnot have rotating kebab sticks and height is shorter. In borosil – prima 60 liters is having 3 cooking rackes & moreover dicey about borosil brand as it got lesser reviews . These are the reasons why i am unsure about this and found u are the right person to suggest πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™. If u have ANY other better option plz tell.

  15. CK's Harmonica Shala on June 30, 2022 at 1:47 am

    Great comparison like always. But my buying decisions till date have been based more on my brand loyalties and my perception of product reliability more than the features.
    Also, I always do my appliance buying from showrooms where I have good and longstanding relations. I am pretty jittery to purchase online most of the time.
    Another thing is , no matter how good a product any Chinese brand offers, the poor image regarding their quality always haunts me.
    How do you deal with that?

  16. Surojit Halder on June 30, 2022 at 1:49 am

    Mam, I really love your content. Your reviews and recommendations are very insightful. I bought a Samsung Microwave (28L) only because you recommended it. Thank You! And your thumbnails are awesome!